Product designer, web developer
& digital creative
Currently helping dogs live longer @ Lyka.
Former Design Lead at Spacetalk.
More than pushing pixels.
I care about creating thoughtfully crafted products that are accessible to everyone. I believe that the experiences and artefacts we surround ourselves with everyday, should be joyful and intuitive to use.
Here's what I've been up to.
Explore a selection of my work over the last five years.
ECH inc.
For Older Australians, managing their Home Care Package can be difficult and time-consuming. See how my work is helping ECH clients feel more in control of their care.
Product Designer
Discovery Parks
Reimagining the park management experience for casual and transient staff.
Product Designer
Award-winning range of wearables and a connected app designed to bring families closer together.
Global Design Lead
Designing an intuitive interface for the next generation of AI-powered water network optimisation.
UX Designer
Solving Zoom Fatigue
An exploration into video-call fatigue and designing a better zoom experience.
Case Study
Read my latest article.
It never occurred to me that we designers (usually the fun ones at parties) could have such a white-collar business ritual as a conference. But actually, it was incredible.
Article: My review of UX Australia 2022 and key takeaways.
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